Friday 17 May 2013

Whilst Screen Printing today....

I forgot to take the back grounds I had prepared in the week( there is always next Friday) and so had to make some more at the college so this is how they turned out so far!

Thursday 16 May 2013

At Long Last....

.......the bluebells flowered in our garden, they are on the shady side so get little sun, but I am always happy when they finally bloom as it adds some very much needed colour.

Wednesday 15 May 2013


A week ahead of time last week with my Pink Floral and joining in with Lou at Little Green Shed again this week with a much cooler variety, wanted to take some pictures today but far to gloomy so posting some tulips from earlier in the year instead!

Tuesday 14 May 2013


Lovely treasury put together by  Jonathan at Six Foot Squirrel including my Apple Cutlery Design.

The Beginnings!

Yesterday I started to paint the mural for my son's Junior school, the area is huge, it must be at least 8 meters long!!
So far only two willing helpers! It may take a while.