Friday, 18 January 2013

They were right!

Finally the weather men were correct and it snowed all day, typically I had the sickness bug so couldn't enjoy it, first time in years that I have watched daytime TV,  gosh it sucks!! I am a very bad patient so it is lucky that I rarely get sick!!
Hope I am better tomorrow so that we can get outside and enjoy it a little.
Anyway Cookie enjoyed it and tomorrow we hope to build a snowman, if it is the right kind of snow of course!

Thursday, 17 January 2013


Today is a perfect winters day!
Sadly our dog is still in her collar after being spayed so no winter walks yet!
Tomorrow the stitches come out and we are back to runs in the park!! Can't wait.......

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Jane Ormes Giveaway

Fantastic giveaway over at  Jane Ormes, always admired and loved her work, always inspirational, you can also see her work here.

Monday, 14 January 2013

It Won't!

No it didn't snow in London, well it did but not much, still working on my new screen print idea today!